what are foods with vitamin c?
Vitamin C has significant antioxidant power and is the most essential vitamin to prevent colds.
Most organisms make this vitamin themselves, but there are other organisms like humans that need to get it throughout the day from the substances they consume. This vitamin is found both naturally in plant and animal sources and in artificial pills.
The sources of most of this vitamin are: Strawberry, Broccoli, Grapefruit, Tomato, Mango, Lemon, Cauliflower, Potato, Watermelon, Spinach, Cabbage, Tangerine and Citrus, Kiwi and other fruits and Vegetables, plant sources of vitamin C and animal liver have vitamin C. Long-term storage in the fridge, cooking, air heat, light, and tobacco can destroy this vitamin.
When you think about vitamin C, orange is probably the first thing that comes to your mind. An orange contains only 70 mg of vitamin C, but there are a variety of fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin C. This article introduces a number of sources of vitamin C.
The cabbage family
Cabbages like Chinese cabbage, Brussels and broccoli are the rulers of the health world. Each cup of cabbage contains 33 mg of vitamin C. The cabbage family is rich in nutrients and can report cancer and cardiovascular disease. Brussels sprouts are four times more vitamin C than their other families, that is, 97 mg per cup. Note that the best way to cook cabbage is to steam it to maintain the highest amount of vitamins. We recommend not boiling these cabbage for long.
Citrus fruits are excellent sources of vitamin C, potassium, pectin and phytochemicals that counter allergies, asthma, cancer, cataracts, heart disease, stroke, and colds.
A large kiwi contains about 80 mg of vitamin C and a lot of phytochemicals.
This delicious fruit also contains high levels of potassium and pectin, soluble fibers that keep blood cholesterol constant.
Kiwi also provides the antioxidants of lutein and xanthine which are essential for eye health. You should know that 115 grams of this fruit contains only 70 calories.
Cantaloupe, melon
These fruits are high in vitamin C and potassium and work to prevent cardiovascular disease, some cancers, respiratory diseases, impaired vision, and acne.
Peas are a good source of vegetable and iron proteins, which is a useful nutrient for vegetarians.
Peas reduce the chance of developing some cancers and prevent depression, high cholesterol, and macular degeneration. Vitamin C counteracts the negative effects of free radicals and can, therefore, prevent cataracts. To maintain the maximum amount of vitamin C in peas, we recommend using a little water to cook it.
Bell pepper
Cabbage pepper contains 32 calories, but you should know that they also contain a variety of vitamins in their different colors.
In general, peppers contain vitamin C as much as citrus fruits. These foods prevent heart disease, reduce vision, and get nosebleeds.
They have been used for many years to treat intestinal disorders and constipation, and you should know that this tropical fruit strengthens the immune system, bones, and cardiovascular health.
A cup of fresh pineapple contains 25 mg of vitamin C and 75 calories. Pineapple juice also retains its vitamin C.
An average potato with grilled skin contains 25 mg of Vitamin C, which provides 25% of an adult’s daily requirement.
Although Zebel’s favorite food is not a complete source of iron, you should know that it is high in carotenoids. These nutrients, together with vitamins, help prevent cancer and high cholesterol and prevent your vision from diminishing.
Vitamin C in spinach prevents macular degeneration, osteoarthritis, and stroke.
Sweet potato
Sweet potatoes are one of the nutrient-rich vegetables. Vitamin C in sweet potatoes prevents cancer, eye diseases, depression, and cardiovascular disease.
A fully grown average tomato has 26 calories and contains about 23 mg of vitamin C.
Tomatoes can prevent heart disease, respiratory tract infections, skin cancer and reduce vision. Turnip
Turnip is a relatively inexpensive and very healthy vegetable that is very easy to prepare, yet high in vitamin C and essential amino acids.
A cup of cooked turnip contains 35 calories and 18 mg of vitamin C. The vitamin C in this food acts as a powerful antioxidant, controlling free radicals and strengthening the immune system.
Half a cup of cooked pumpkin provides 10% of our daily need for vitamin C.
Pumpkin is one of the tasty and colorful vegetables that helps prevent acne, heart disease, and overweight.
Note that boiling zucchini in boiling water will destroy vitamin C and other nutrients.
To prevent this, we recommend steaming it in the oven or in the oven.
Vitamin C helps maintain the health of body tissues, the formation of the strong immune system of the human body, and also helps to absorb iron. Vitamin C is a good option for preventing and preventing colds by strengthening the immune system. The recommended vitamin C intake for adult women is 75 mg daily and for adult men 90 mg. You can include the following foods in your daily diet to provide the vitamin C you need.
Half a cup of guava contains 188 mg of vitamin C and 56 calories.
Sweet red pepper can provide a significant dose of vitamin C. Half a cup of red pepper contains 142 mg of vitamin C and 20 calories. Half a cup of cooked red pepper contains 116 grams of vitamin C.
A medium-sized Portugal contains 70 mg of vitamin C and 62 calories. If you prefer orange juice, three-quarters of a cup of orange juice contains 61 to 93 mg of vitamin C and 79 to 84 calories.
Green pepper
Half a cup of green pepper contains 60 mg of vitamin C and 15 calories. When it is cooked, the vitamin C level reaches 51 mg.
Grapefruit juice
One half of the grapefruit contains 39 mg of vitamin C and 52 calories. Three-quarters of a cup of grapefruit juice also contains 50 to 70 mg of vitamin C and 71 to 86 calories.
Vegetable juice
Drinking vegetable juice provides many nutrients, including vitamin C, to the human body (if tomato-based vegetable juice provides the proper dose of lycopene, an effective plant nutrient to combat disease). Three-quarters of a cup of vegetable juice contains 50 mg of vitamin C and 34 calories.
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