The miracle of bodybuilding workouts
bodybuilding workouts for 20 reasons improve your health and prolong your life.
As you know bodybuilding is not just about building 50cm arm muscles. The benefits of bodybuilding exercises are greater than the size around your arm. And it covers all aspects of your life. Even if it doesn’t matter to you muscle mass you have to be crazy not to do bodybuilding exercises.
Bodybuilding exercises can burn fat and overcome heart disease, diabetes, cancer and even make you smarter and happier.
Why can lifting a few weights and repeating this exercise for many times have such important benefits for the body? Everything happens at the microscopic level of the muscle fibers.
Quick Start: When you lift weights, this action causes small ruptures in the muscle fibers. This process accelerates the synthesis of muscle protein that utilizes amino acids to repair and strengthen damaged fibers. And it makes muscle fibers more resistant to future injuries. So when your muscles are used frequently, as you do in bodybuilding by lifting weights, your muscles adapt to better performance.

This is because the pressure on the body is reduced and you can do daily tasks such as climbing stairs or lifting objects with less pressure. That is why when you lift heavy weights it is very difficult for you at first but it will be easy for you gradually. Scientifically this work is known as the principle of overload. Clearly, these effects not only strengthen your muscles but also move you throughout your life.
Do you need solid and documented reasons to prove this? Here are 20 reasons you should do bodybuilding workouts daily.
- By doing bodybuilding workouts, you will lose about forty-nine percent more fat.

This can be the biggest secret to fat burning. If you have been told that aerobic exercise is the key to losing fat, you should know that bodybuilding exercises are definitely more valuable.
For example, researchers at Penn State University found people who were overweight and wanted to lose weight. They were divided into three groups:
A group without practice. The other group did aerobic exercise three days a week and the last group did aerobic and bodybuilding workouts three days a week. Both groups lost about seventeen pounds of body weight, although most of the weight that bodybuilders lost was fat, but in the aerobic group, only twelve pounds burned fat and lost several pounds of muscle. Both groups lost about seventeen pounds of body weight, although most of the weight that bodybuilders lost was fat, but in the aerobic group, only twelve pounds burned fat and lost several pounds of muscle. A decrease in muscle weight may seem to reduce Verne. But in the future, you will notice that this weight loss has not been beneficial to you. Your body will tend to gain more weight after this weight loss.
If you do bodybuilding workouts at the same time as losing weight, this will protect the muscle and thus burn more fat.
For example, researchers at Penn State University found people who were overweight and wanted to lose weight. They were divided into three groups:
A group without practice. The other group did aerobic exercise three days a week and the last group did aerobic and bodybuilding workouts three days a week. Both groups lost about seventeen pounds of body weight, although most of the weight that bodybuilders lost was fat, but in the aerobic group, only twelve pounds burned fat and lost several pounds of muscle. Both groups lost about seventeen pounds of body weight, although most of the weight that bodybuilders lost was fat, but in the aerobic group, only twelve pounds burned fat and lost several pounds of muscle.
A decrease in muscle weight may seem to reduce Verne. But in the future, you will notice that this weight loss has not been beneficial to you. Your body will tend to gain more weight after this weight loss.
If you do bodybuilding workouts at the same time as losing weight, this will protect the muscle and thus burn more fat.
- You will burn more calories

You will burn more calories even when you are sitting on the couch, as you do bodybuilding exercises. The reason for this claim is that your muscles need more energy to rebuild and strengthen the muscle fibers after each bodybuilding workouts
- Your clothes will be more appropriate

If you don’t do bodybuilding exercises, you should say goodbye to your biceps. Research shows that by the age of thirty to fifty, perhaps ten percent of all body muscles are lost. And that doubles at the age of sixty
What’s worse is that fat is likely to replace lost muscle.
- Keep your body young

If you don’t do bodybuilding workouts, you will not only lose your muscles but most importantly lose your quality of life. Research shows that as you get older, your muscles also decrease by more than fifty percent.
Have you ever noticed how difficult it is for older people to get up? This is because the muscles are not strong enough.
- You will have stronger bones

As you age, bone density decreases and you are more likely to develop fractures in your thighs or spine in the future. In addition, a significant loss of bone density in the spine can lead to severe and dreadful hunches in the body.
The good news is that a study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that 16 weeks of bodybuilding training increased bone density by 19% and increased blood Osteocalcin levels, which indicates bone growth.
- You will be more flexible

Over time, your flexibility can be reduced to fifty-nine percent. Declining flexibility makes it difficult to bend, Squat and see behind your legs. But in a study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine, the researchers reported that three sessions of total body workouts over three weeks improved the flexibility of the hip and shoulder joints by 11 percent.
You may not be convinced because you think weight training will make your body stiff, but you should know that in the aftermath of researches, Olympic weightlifters ranked second after gymnasts.
- Your heart will be healthier

Weight training will pump more blood. Researchers at the University of Michigan found that people who bodybuilding workouts three days a week for two months generally lowered their diastolic blood pressure by an average of eight units. This is enough to reduce the risk of a heart attack by 15 percent.
- You will get out of the way of diabetes

In four studies, Austrian researchers found that people with type 2 diabetes who started bodybuilding training significantly lowered their blood sugar levels and improved their health conditions. This is important in the sense that bodybuilding exercises can be a top priority in the fight against diabetes.
This is because bodybuilding exercises not only fight fat but also increase insulin sensitivity and help regulate blood sugar.
- The risk of cancer in the north will decrease

Resistance exercises prevent the destruction of oxidative cells. To be destroyed of oxidative cells can increase the risk of cancer and other diseases.
Bodybuilding exercises accelerate the passage of food through the colon by fifty-six percent. This is thought to reduce the risk of colon cancer.
- Your diet will improve

Bodybuilding exercises will double the amount of food you burn in your body.
Burning Calories and Exercises Help Your Brain Stay in a Balanced Diet.
- You’ll better control stress

Has it ever happened to you to sweat in the waiting room? Or feel cold when under pressure?
Researchers at the University of Texas find that most prepared people have lower levels of stress hormones in their bodies than those who are not well prepared. Studies at the Georgia University of Medical Sciences also showed that blood pressure levels in people with larger muscles returned to normal earlier than those with smaller muscles In stressful situations.
- Eliminates the effect of long flights

People who do bodybuilding workouts have little change in the protein that regulates the body’s circadian rhythm. The researchers concluded that strength training helps the body adjust its geographic clock faster.
- You will be happier
Yoga is not the only nerve soothing exercise. Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham found that people who did three days of weight training for six months a week significantly improved their scores on boredom, general mood, and anger.
- You will sleep easier

Doing resistance exercises helps you to sleep more easily.
- The sooner you reach the desired level of physical fitness

The term cardio (heart) in physical training should not be used only to describe aerobic exercise. Studies at the University of Hawaii show that circular exercises increase your heart rate by 15 beats per minute, compared to running at 60 to 70 percent of your maximum heart rate.
According to the researchers’ findings, these exercises not only strengthen the muscles but also improve the cardiovascular system, similar to aerobic exercise.
- Will cope with depression

Researchers at the University of Sydney in Australia found that regular weight training significantly reduced the symptoms of acute depression. In fact, these studies showed a significant improvement in sixty percent of clinical patients equal to the rate of response to antidepressants, although drugs had negative side effects, but these exercises not only had no negative effects but also positive effects.
- You will become more active

When you do weight training, you can do things faster. This reduced the time to do your daily activities will make you happier and also less stressful.
- You will live a few more years
Be stronger to live longer. Researchers at the University of South Carolina found that bodybuilding prolonged life, resulting in improved cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other diseases.
- You will stay healthier

Researchers at the University of Virginia found that men and women who did bodybuilding exercises three times a week for six months had significantly lower blood homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is a protein present in the blood that is associated with diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.
- You will become more intelligent

Brazilian researchers find that six months of resistance training improves intelligence-related performance and awareness. Bodybuilding workouts improve long-term and short-term memory and improve linguistic reasoning.